Dialogue with Infinity

    May 28th, 2024

    We are beings designed with an innate thirst to know and be known. This explains why we feel that this endless quest for connection and meaning transcends the status of a mere human trait. It is not just a peculiarity of human nature, but an essential requirement, a deep calling of our soul—a human imperative.

    Every dilemma we formulate about the divine, every answer we long for, is not just curiosity, but an attempt to penetrate a reality beyond our condition, an effort to connect with something greater than ourselves. Each of us experiences this journey at our own pace, but it is a journey we all travel with a mixture of fascination and anguish.

    From the dawn of creation to the present day, every time we look up at the starry sky, feel overwhelmed by the beauty of nature, or ponder the complexity of life, that gentle echo makes its presence felt.

    However, we are not alone in this vast search for meaning. In the astonishing labyrinth of universal knowledge artfully designed by God, many other created beings are deciphering more and more of the mysteries of the nature of the Divine Infinite. At the moment when God, through the Word, brought this planet into being and breathed life into the primordial clay from which He fashioned man, cosmic witnesses watched with interest as this new member of God’s creation was born (Job 38:4-7). In a God-governed universe where freedom of choice is a sacred law, these witnesses must have wondered: “Will these newcomers appreciate the gentle echo of their Creator’s voice?”

    From the dawn of creation to the present day, every time we look up at the starry sky, feel overwhelmed by the beauty of nature, or ponder the complexity of life, that gentle echo makes its presence felt. It is as if a subtle melody, thousands of years old, is drawing us in, reminding us of our connection to something greater, something deeper. A mysterious voice, always present but often ignored: the voice of God.

    Let us face our fears and embrace our hopes, aware that each moment of introspection is actually a response to a divine invitation. It is a sacred moment, a rare opportunity to sit at an invisible table and begin a conversation with God that He, in His great love and eternal patience, has always been waiting for.

    Norel Iacob is editor-in-chief of Signs of the Times Romania and ST Network.

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